Construct 2
In the .zip file, you find .c2addon and .capx with the example project.
TR_ClockParser is the plugin which makes timer display more comfortable. It simply converts number of seconds to clock-string. There are few expressions to use.
TR_ClockParser.Minimal(seconds) – Return the smallest possible clock string.
TR_ClockParser.Minimal(30) -> “30”
TR_ClockParser.Minimal(90) -> “01:30”,
TR_ClockParser.Minimal(4830) -> “01:20:30”
TR_ClockParser.MMSS(seconds) – Return the “MM:SS” clock string.
TR_ClockParser.MMSS(30) -> “00:30”
TR_ClockParser.MMSS(90) -> “01:30”
TR_ClockParser.MMSS(4830) -> “80:30”
TR_ClockParser.HHMMSS(seconds) – Return the “HH:MM:SS” clock string.
TR_ClockParser.HHMMSS(30) -> “00:00:30”
TR_ClockParser.HHMMSS(90) -> “00:01:30”
TR_ClockParser.HHMMSS(4830) -> “01:20:30”
TR_ClockParser.ToSeconds(timeString) – Converts the specified clock string to seconds.
TR_ClockParser.ToSeconds(“01:03:30” ) -> 3810
TR_ClockParser.ToSeconds(“15:30”) -> 930
TR_ClockParser.ToSeconds(“30”) -> 30