Advanced, customizable, visual bars to present amounts of points such health, mana, stamina and more

Behavior that allows for easy tracking and management of in-game properties such as healthm, mana, stamina, energy etc.

It's a simple 3-column (position, name, score) leaderboard with a customizable appearance.

It’s a behavior dedicated for text-based objects (mostly Text and SpriteFont). It makes the characters/letters of the text appear one-by-one, making an impression of the text being “typed live”.

It’s a Construct plugin created to translate text in game. Whenever it’s needed, it replaces a specific text with another indicated string - by design, in a different language.

TR_ClockParser is the plugin which makes timer display more comfortable. It simply converts number of seconds to clock-string. There are few expressions to use.

Construct 2 Plugin that extends the existing Sprite Font native plugin to include richer support for individual character widths during editing and runtime, made by Chris Kent.

Global plugin that allow for relatively easy and efficient implementation of an in-game inventory system

Animated Counter is the Construct behavior dedicated for text type objects, such as Text or Sprite Font. With dedicated actions and conditions you can easily make a displayed number gradually increase or decrease, making an impression of a real-time counting.

MiniMap plugin is an addon, which allows for quick and easy implementation of an in-game map that shows the actual position of objects in the area (layout). This can be a mini-map, typical for strategy games, as well as a “full sized” map like in RPGs (world map).

Levels Manager is a Construct 3 plugin to manage your worlds and levels easily. It's suitable solution for plenty of games featuring game progression based on completion of consecutive stages such as platformers, puzzles, shooters and more.

Weapon System is a Construct behavior that serves as manager of weapons and their properties. It is mostly designed for shooter games but can be used with any other game where a player or enemy can have multiple weapons with various properties. Not only guns but melee weapons as well or even magical spells.

MM Unloader is a plugin for managing memory resources in your Construct 2 projects. You can remove unused assets (Sprite, Sprite Font, Tiled Backgrounds etc) from RAM.

MM Preloader allows you to efficiently preload content of your game. In result, you can make custom preloading screens when loading the game or transitioning between layouts to make the gameplay more smooth and player-friendly.

EasyIsometric behavior helps you with creating an “isometric” perspective with 2D assets by making an impression of third dimension (sometimes called “2,5D”). In result it’s a great solution for many games like RPG, shooters, building simulators, hack’n’slash, survivial and more.

Globals 2.0 plugin has extra dedicated features. To be more specific - you can save variables to JSON files, as well as load them.

Level is a Construct behavior that serves as a tracker and manager of experience points and experience levels - a well known mechanic commonly used in role-play games as well as in other genres. It is a core mechanic of many games, almost a standard solution.