Terms and Conditions
ForConstruct Addons Collection
Welcome to ForConstruct.com!
These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of ForConstruct Addons Collection.
By joining ForConstruct Addons Collection, we assume you accept these terms and conditions.
After joining our ForConstruct Addons Collection, you become an account holder with access to all of our addons. To protect you as a buyer and us as a seller, we have some terms and conditions.
Unless otherwise stated, ForConstruct and its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material in ForConstruct Addons Collection. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from ForConstruct Addons Collection for commercial use in an unlimited number of your projects subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
You must not:
- resold materials and products from ForConstruct Addons Collection,
- rent or sub-license materials and products from ForConstruct Addons Collection,
- grant usage to anyone other than the account holder,
- reproduce, duplicate or copy materials and products from ForConstruct Addons Collection,
- redistribute materials and products from ForConstruct Addons Collection.
Your Privacy
Please read Privacy Policy.
Payment terms
You pay for our product one year in advance. Before the term ends, we will send you a reminder to extend your subscription.
Refund Policy
Refunds are strictly not allowed. You get access to all of our materials and products from the ForConstruct Addons Collection immediately after successful payment. You can download them and add them to your Construct software (engine). We provide you support to ask about all of our products before purchase or subscription.
Your account
After purchasing our product, we will send you to your email the data needed to log in to your ForConstruct.com account. After receiving the payment, we will add all materials and products to your account to use them immediately.
Warranty and Liabilities Limitation
We will not be liable if any project or any user application is damaged due to failure or misuse.
New addons warranty
While your subscription is active, you have a warranty that all addons we release you will get for free. We will add them to your account, so you will be able to download them easily.
Access Warranty
By joining ForConstruct Addons Collection, you get access to all of our released materials and addons. You keep lifetime access to all materials and addons on your account, which are released during your membership in our ForConstruct Addons Collection. The access includes a possibility for downloads and updates.
Price warranty
By joining ForConstruct Addons Collection, you get the price warranty. It means that if you decide to extend your membership, your price will be the same as it was when you became a member of ForConstruct Addons Collection. If your membership expires, and in some time you will want to join again, you will be able to do that at the current price.
Other question
In case you have any questions about ForConstruct Addons Collection, contact us via our email: contact@forconstruct.com.